Monday, October 11, 2010

Films For Lunch, Issue 3: Ethan's Opened Mind

Films For Lunch, Issue 3: Ethan's Opened Mind from Andy Miller on Vimeo.

In the third installment of 'Films For Lunch' Robin takes on the challenging role of 'Ethan', a young man that has recently given up everything to follow his passion for music. Special appearance by Lauren.


  1. YES! Ethan is amazing! Where's Todd?

  2. haha!! 'Hey Todd - that bassline is fukin awesome!'

    'i know'

  3. michael - we're currently in post-production on the album, but I'm in the middle of some brutal negotiations with Ethan's manager, that were holding up the release.. Album dropping Dec. 1st hopefully. I'll get one signed for ya
